Fireworks Galaxy


Fireworks Galaxy – Barrage Pack (bag)

Shots – (see description)

Packing – 2/12

Duration – (see description)

Calibre – (see description)

Category – f2

Neq – 1704g (pack)

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Contents:12 Barrages

  1. Comet – effects (yellow pearl/crackle), 96 shot , 12mm, f2, 25secs , 72g
  2. Asteroid – effects (red/green pearl/crackle), 96 shot , 12mm, f2, 25secs , 72g
  3. Dragon – effects (yellow palm,purple star, red glitter, chrysanthemum) 16 shot, 20mm,  f2, 26 secs, 110g
  4. Sputnik – effects (Lemon peony/red glitter/purple peony/ green glitter/red peony/white glitter.) 16 shot, 20mm, f2, 30secs, 110g
  5. Salvo – effects (White glitter/brocade/silver fish/falling leaves) 12 shots, 20mm, f2 , 20secs, 90g
  6. Outbreak – effects (Spider/glitter/lemon/gold chrysanthemum/peony) 12 shots, 20mm,  f2, 20secs, 90g
  7. Solar – effects (White glitter/silver comet tail.) 19 shots, 20mm, f2, 30 secs, 138.7g
  8. Meterorite –  effects (Gold star to gold crackle) 19 shots, 20mm, f2, 30secs, 138.7g
  9. Super Cluster – effects (Red tails/crackling chrysanthemum.) 25 shots, 25mm, f2, 25secs, 182.5g
  10. Nuclear – effects (brocade crown, red peony, blue peony, white glitter) 25 shots, 25mm, f2, 25secs, 175g
  11. Twilight – effects (Purple peony/green glitter/brocade crown/ white glitter/chrysanthemum) 25 shots, 25mm, f2, 32secs, 175g
  12. Deep impact – effects (Brocade Crown with white glitter), 19 shots, 30mm,  f2, 30 secs, 350g



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